Since I've reviewed The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini, a movie that works in spite of itself, I felt compelled to give an example of one that doesn't. This time, I take you on a short visit to Dragstrip Hollow.

Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow left me horribly disappointed. So much more could have been done with this film. If you are expecting a haunted hollow, forget it. Ghost of a vengeful drag racer? No such spirit here. You won't even find much drag racing action.
The film is mostly a bunch of slang spouting talking heads. There are a few silly gags that do nothing to move the film forward, are not believable, and one in particular that defies all explanation. The acting is terrible. And the ghost? The notion of a haunting only comes toward the end of the film and it feels tacked on; a gimmick to sell tickets. In fact, when the riddle of the ghost is solved, the solution feels forced as well.
Everyone involved with this motion picture has failed. The male cast has no notables, and the female cast would be unremarkable if not for the somewhat stunning geek girl. The brightest spark comes from realizing that this film and The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini both feature songs called "Geronimo," even though they are completely different tunes.
Unless you are a serious fan of of bad cinema, avoid this one and do something better with that hour. It's not like your time here is endless....