This 1974 film comes with a warning: Make sure you see the original.
Someone felt that a Mario Bava horror flick would not do well in America. So, the work was re-edited, turned into an uninspired Exorcist spin off, and renamed The House of Exorcism. I'd like to think Americans don't really enjoy poorly acted train wrecks that depend on four letter words for shock value.
The original cut is one of those films the true horror historian must see. Telly Savalas appears to be playing himself, complete with trademark lollipops. He even tosses off a line about giving up cigarettes--the real reason behind his sweet habit. Elke Sommer takes on a role that is nothing like her character from A Shot in the Dark.
Without spoiling anyone's fun, I'll say that nothing comes between a real automotive aficionado and his transportation of choice. This scene alone is worth the viewer's time. In fact, you might want to back up and hit it again.