The Asphyx came out sometime around 1973, but I don’t remember seeing it until much later in the 80’s. It left an impression, though I’d forgotten the name, and for years I wondered just what that crazy film had been. When you see the movie, you’ll wonder how the name could have slipped my mind. I make no excuses.
I’d rate this film a guaranteed must-see for all fans of Gothic Horror.
It’s true that the movie is not without its flaws. The dialog, for example, is often laughably bad. Certain makeup effects are absolutely pathetic—I don’t want to give anything away, so I’ll leave it at that.
However, Sir Robert Stephens gives a charged performance. He really carries the film with only the aid of beautiful period sets. And understand, the sets are truly gorgeous. If you can view the film in widescreen, please do so. There are DVD copies available now that have done a great job of restoring the color and sharpness of the original.
Also of note are the special effects. For 1973, they are pretty good even if simple. The overall combined effect of the sets and special effects puts the Gothic in Gothic Horror. The atmosphere is excellent, and that’s what really stuck with me all these years.

One final note about the Asphyx itself: Is that thing Slimer’s ugly stepsister, or what? When you see the floating critter, you can’t help but think of Ghostbuster’s little green mascot. I’ve often wondered if the firehouse crew got the idea for Slimer from this film. Anyone have proof?
Final Verdict: Quotable stumbles aside, this is one to own.
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